PRESIDENT| Rain Bellamy
The President serves as the Chairperson of the General Body and Council of Presidents Meetings; serves as the chief spokesperson of the NPHC-FSU; attends regularly scheduled meetings with the Advisor; coordinates communication with other NPHC’s, especially FAMU and Tallahassee Alumnae Chapters; Performs the duties which are usually executed by the chief officer.
VICE PRESIDENT | Da’Drieon Hampton
The Vice President assists the President in the performance of duties and presides in the absence of the President; coordinates activities to promote unity among the Executive Officers (e.g. retreats); appoints and coordinates the activities of the Executive Committees and other Committees; and makes space reservations and arrange the proper accommodations on behalf of the NPHC-FSU.
TREASURER | Jibril Mustafa
The Treasurer remits dues on behalf of the NPHC-FSU to the National and Regional NPHC offices; submits the End of the Year Report and other mandated documents to the National and Regional Offices; maintains records of all NPHC-FSU, showing accurately the financial condition of the NPHC-FSU; create a budget template of the projected school year’s expenditures/revenues; approve all vouchers for expenditure of budgeted funds; issue and retain receipts of all funds; present a report including all financial transactions at the General Body meetings; issue checks and/or signatures for the expenditures of all funds upon the receipts of vouchers properly executed; provide a voucher form to the Secretary to be included in the NPHC-FSU Official Documents Handbook.
SECRETARY | Lovley Telfair
The Secretary shall ensure the proper contact information for the NPHC-FSU is kept on file with the National NPHC, Regional NPHC, and the FSU Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life Office; keep a current roster and list of delegates for each Member Organization; issue necessary correspondence to the NPHC-FSU member; record minutes of the General Body and Council of President’s meetings and make them readily available to NPHC-FSU members; make minutes of all committee meetings available once they are received; and archive all documents used in the current and past administrations. The Secretary is responsible for determining ways that NPHC can assist chapters to achieve academic excellence; responsible for planning and executing Academic General Body Meetings with chapter academic chairs.
The Special Events Chair shall coordinate the annual NPHC-FSU-sponsored events such as our Annual Stroll off, Yard shows, EXTRAV Step Shows, and other NPHC General Body Meetings
SPECIAL EVENTS| Ruthnie Denail
The Special Events Chair shall coordinate the annual NPHC-FSU-sponsored events such as our Annual Stroll off, Yard shows, EXTRAV Step Shows, and other NPHC General Body Meetings
The Public Relations Chair shall present all promotional items and advertisement material for the NPHC-FSU. The Public Relations Chair shall make provisions for pictures to be taken at all NPHC-FSU-sponsored events; maintain record of such pictures; make arrangements for members organizations to be recognized for chapter and founding dates and welcoming all new members in each respective organizations; be ultimately responsible for awards packets sent to the National and Regional levels of NPHC on behalf of NPHC-FSU.